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Palacký University

Conference topics

  • The Czech Republic and ABGB – prof. JUDr. Jan Kuklík, DrSc. (Law Faculty, Charles University in Prague)

  • ABGB and reenactment  - prof. Dr. JUDr. Karel Eliáš (Law Faculty, West-Bohemian University in Pilsen)

  • ABGB and Public Law – prof. JUDr. Jan Filip, CSc. (Law Faculty, Masaryk University, Brno)

  • Natural Law and ABGB, Natural Law today – prof. JUDr. Pavel Holländer, DrSc. (Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic)

  • ABGB and contemporary Czech law – Mgr. Michal Králík, Ph.D. (The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic)

  • ABGB and Family Law – prof. JUDr. Milana Hrušáková, CSc. (Law Faculty of the Palacký University in Olomouc)

  • ABGB from the Austrian viewpoint – O.Univ.-Prof. Dr.iur. Dr.h.c. Willibald Posch (Law Faculty, University of Graz, Austria)
  • Austrian codification tendencies – Hon.-Prof. Dr. Johannes Stabentheiner (Law Faculty, University of Vienna, Austria)
  • Poland and ABGB – prof. zw. dr hab. Maksymilian Pazdan, dr. Katarzyna Sznajder (Faculty of Law and Administration, Silesian University of Katowice, Poland)
  • Slovenia and ABGB – prof. Dr. Rajko Knez (Law Faculty, Maribor University, Slovenia) 

The aim of the conference of the Fakulty of Law of the Palacký University in Olomouc is to bring before the professional public the monothematic but multiform view of ABGB in all its historical and up-to-date connections.
Eleven number one Czech and foreign experts said yes to an invitation and they will give various expozé. The registrated participants are invited for that reason to debate on these papers. The conference languages are Czech and German. The simultaneous interpretation is provided.

Last update: 25. 05. 2011, Michaela Kouřilová