![Palacký University](fileadmin/obrazky-struktura/web2010/01pf_550x50px.jpg)
The main feature of the international cooperation in science and research
The Faculty of Law has been striving for the widest possible development of international cooperation. Its priority area for cooperation development is Austria, namely the Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät Paris-Londron Universität Salzburg. On the basis of a bilateral agreement, a Double Degree programme has been established under the accredited field of study, European Studies with the Focus on European Law. The scientific and research cooperation with Karl Franzens Universität Graz is supported, as well as with Universität Wien and Universität Linz. The faculty has very important cooperation in Slovakia with the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava, the Faculty of Law at Pavol Josef Šafárik University in Košice and the Faculty of Law at Trnava University. Close scientific and research cooperation is also being developed with faculties of Law in France, Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Since 2006 Olomouc’s Faculty of Law has been deepening cooperation with Polish faculties of Law (Poznań, Katowice, Łódź, Warsaw), not only in the fields of academics and research but also in the field of developing clinical education. Also academic, research and comparative education cooperation with prominent American professors has been arranged via the Center for International Legal Studies in Salzburg.
The faculty has been developing international cooperation in research with prominent foreign faculties of Law, not only in the area of the Visegrad V4 states (project “Application and implementation of EU law in V4 countries“), but also with other nations. The faculty coordinates the extensive international project “Eastern Partnership and its prospects with a view of legal approximation, rule of law and human rights”under the Jean Monnet Programme (EACEA). In addition to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Ukraine and Germany are also involved in the project.
See also International Research Projects