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Palacký University

Academic research support

The Faculty of Law board supports the scientific and publishing activities of its academics. It creates a motivational programme for further involvement of its academics into projects financed by grant agencies outside the faculty. Since 2012, the activity of Hannah Arendt Science Scheme has been financed from faculty sources. It offers the funding of scientific and research projects to all academics of the UP Faculty of Law. The UP Grant Agency is focused on the group of beginning young scholars and Ph.D. students.

Education of the young generation of scholars

The Faculty of Law gives permanent attention to the scientific growth of the young generation of law students. Master’s degree students take part in academic projects; under the leadership of the professors they engage in the faculty‘s Monse academic competition. They present their expertise in international Moot Court competitions, where they have already achieved many international awards. Extensive international and national achievements in the academic field have contributed to the decision of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports to permit the Faculty of Law to open a doctoral programme in Theoretical Law Sciences in its four fields: Civil Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Constitutional Law. The members of the academic staff are also members of many other doctoral branch committees of different law faculties, and they are active members on the habilitation committees of all Czech law faculties.

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Last update: 17. 01. 2014, Daniel Agnew