Master programme - International and European Law
International and European Law
Acredited Master Degreee Programme taught in English.
The brochure can be downloaded here.
Find the information on Admission procedure here.
General information about the programme, courses, admission and scholarships : http://studylaw.upol.cz/master
Academic calendar
September - June, 4 semesters (3 semesters full-time/in-class courses + 1 semester of dissertation preparation)
Application deadline : 15 June
Requirements for admission
· A Completed application form
· A Structured Curriculum Vitae (signed)
· A certified copy of your undergraduate university degree diploma (Bachelor’s degree minimum)in law or similar field of study
· Official academic transcripts and certificates from the University (or a certified copy) to verify your previous academic qualifications
· A letter of Motivation
· A letter of Recommendation - from a professor or an academic who can assess candidate’s ability and motivation to enroll in the program
· Proof of English language competence – to be proven by English language certificates (TOEFL, IELTS, CAE, CPE) or documents about previous university studies in/of English language
· Passport – a photocopy of the page with a photograph and personal data
The decision on admission is based primarily on documents submitted by applicants; if necessary a video call/skype interview with the applicant may be required.
All documents must be submitted in English. Documents originally in another language must be accompanied by a certified translation in English.
Applicants are required to send all documents to:
International Liaison Office
Faculty of Law
Palacký University, Olomouc
Tř. 17. listopadu 8
771 11 Olomouc
Czech Republic
Study programme content
Core courses:
· Introduction to Scientific Methods
· Public International Law I.
· Constitutional Law of the European Union
· History of EU Integration
· Public International Law II.
· EU Economic Law
· Private International Law
· EU Institutions
· Multi-level Constitutional dimension of the EU
· Diploma Thesis I.
· Diploma Thesis II.
Elective courses (each student has to choose four of the following):
· Transition to Democracy
· EU External Relations Law
· EU Competition Law
· EU Human Rights Protection
· Comparative Law
· Law of Armed Conflict and Use of Force
Optional courses (in English, French or German language):
· International and European Moot Court I
· EU Recht - der Binnenmarkt und die Rechtsprechung des EuGH
· French in EU Law I.
· Law of International Organizations
· International Human Rights Law
· French in EU Law II.
· International Economic Law
· International Criminal Law
· International Commercial Arbitration
· Constitutional Systems of European Countries
· International and European Environmental Law
· European Civil Procedure
· Current Economic Issues
Tuition fee
2.500 Euro per academic year (2 semesters). A limited number of scholarships are available.
Scholarships from the Palacký University
Faculty of Law Excellence Scholarship
The Palacký University Faculty of Law aims to attract excellent students, regardless of their origin and financial ability. The Faculty of Law invites outstanding students to apply for the one year Excellence Scholarship of 150.000,- CZK (approx. € 5.500).
The deadline for submission of the application is 15 June.
The mandatory requirements for the application for the grant are:
- Structured CV
- One letter of recommendation from a university faculty member
- Summary of relevant professional activities
- Motivation letter
All the documents stated above must be in Czech or English and must be submitted to the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Law:
Ms. Radana Kuncová
International Liaison Office
Faculty of Law, Palacký University in Olomouc
tel.: +420 585 637 675
e-mail: radana.kuncova@upol.cz