Summer Schools
French and Czech Summer Law School
In September 2009, the Faculty organized together with its French partner, the Université d’Auvergne Clermont-Ferrand, the first French and Czech Summer Law School for students both from France and the Czech Republic.
Since that time, the French and Czech Summer Law School is organized regulary every September, on a rota basis in France or in the Czech republic.
Lectures and workshops on current issues in international, European and national law are held in French and English.
The Theme of the French and Czech Summer Law School 2016 was: Droit de l´homme et Frontieres
The Summer School was organized by the Ecole de Droit de la Université d´Auvergne in Clermont- Ferrand during the second september week (12. - 17- 9. 2016)
ELSA Law School Olomouc 2016 – Medical Law
From 3rd to 10th July 2016, the realization of a summer law school focused on Medical Law will take place at the Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc. This unique international project, being organized by active members of the European Law Students’ Association (generally known as ELSA) at their home faculties of law all over the Europe, named “ELSA Law School Olomouc 2016 – Medical Law”, will thus follow the very successful 1st year of this summer law school, which took place at the Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc in July 2015. Feel free to watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlQXo2JAfZ8.
According to assumptions made by organizers from ELSA Olomouc, more than thirty law students from various European universities, who are interested in Medical Law, will take part in this event, which will definitely serve as a culmination of all faculty activities as well as an imaginary conclusion of the summer term 2015/2016 at the Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc.
As for the academic programme, the participants will have the possibility to meet major domestic as well as foreign experts on the issue of Medical and Health Law, who will be focusing on attractive and not only in professional areas profoundly discussed topics. Furthermore, the planned visit of dissecting-room connected with taking part in a real and professionally commented autopsy will surely be a huge benefit and an extraordinary experience for all participants, since it seems as an appropriate way how to see application of the discussed matter in practice.
The necessary social programme will be of course also prepared, so that all participants of the ELSA Law School Olomouc 2016 could relax from the whole day concentrating during the lectures. The social programme will thus consist of sightseeing tour in the historic town centre full of architecturally valuable monuments, trip to spectacular surroundings of Olomouc or preparation of the national evening. Integral part will constitute already traditional Welcome Dinner and final Galla Ball.
In conclusion, it is not possible to omit relevant information for all law students, who are interested in broadening their horizons and contemporary knowledge regarding the connection of various branches of law with Medical Law. Applications for the summer law school will be taken into account from 14th March to 1st May 2016 only via unified ELSA Law Schools’ web portal (http://lawschools.elsa.org). The group of organizers from ELSA Olomouc is looking forward to meeting all participants in person at the Faculty of Law, Palacky University in Olomouc.
The subsequent list of topics covered within the academic programme is only preliminary (since the communication with our lecturers is still in process) and will be uploaded gradually!
- Day 2 (Monday)
- Lecture on “Denial of Healthcare and Reverse”
- Interactive lecture on “Consent as a Condition of Medical Intervention”
- Panel discussion on “Euthanasia”
- Day 3 (Tuesday)
- Lecture on “Doctor’s Liability for Damages”
- Panel discussion on “Home Births”
- Day 4 (Wednesday)
- Lecture on “Lege Artis in the Context of Ethics and Law”
- Interactive lecture on “Health Stuff in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights”
- Panel discussion on “Informed Consent”
- Day 6 (Friday)
- Visit of Autopsy (dissecting-room)
- Lecture on “Advertising Regulations”
- Lecture on “Vaccination”
In case you were interested by the aforementioned event and thus would like to support it whether financially, by propagation, or else, please have no hesitation in contacting Mr Daniel Pospíšil, President of ELSA Olomouc (e-mail: pospisil@elsa.cz, mobile phone: +420 721 104 743).