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Palacký University


Dean's office:
Tř. 17. listopadu 8
771 00 Olomouc
tel.: +420-585 637 509
fax: +420-585 223 537

International Liaison Office
Faculty of Law
Palacký University, Olomouc
tř. 17. listopadu 8
771 11 Olomouc
tel.: +420 585 637 675
fax: +420 585 637 506

After its re-establishment in 1991, the Faculty of Law is one of the two youngest faculties of Palacký University and at the same time one of the youngest law faculties in the Czech Republic. In spite of its short time of existence, with its dynamic and ambitious team of teachers and researchers it is already an equal partner of the other Czech faculties of law and its activity has been highly appraised by foreign institutions.

The Faculty of Law has available modern lecture rooms with advanced technical equipment, which are also used for conferences and festive assemblies, even outside Palacký University.

The Faculty of Law does research especially in law disciplines, but also in social sciences, in particular Political Science, European Studies and Economics. The research is basically oriented towards comparison, in particular with Central Europe. In addition to a series of monographs and textbooks it publishes two periodicals, Acta Iuridica Olomucensis and An International Law Revue. For coordination of its scholarly and research activities, the Monse Centre for Comparative Studies has been established.
The main role of the Faculty of Law is naturally to produce high-quality graduates capable of competition in their field. This is presently done in three programmes of study.

After five years of study, the graduates of an attractive programme, Law and the Science of Law, becomes holders of the M.A. degree and have their road open to traditional legal professions but can easily find positions in all spheres of social and economic life in this country.

In Political Science the Faculty has opened European Studies with Specialization in European Law. This two-year M.A. programme, continuing after the B.A. study, gives exclusive education in European integration process and European law, fields which are sure to retain a topical interest for a long time. Owing to an intensive co-operation of Palacký University with the Paris Lodron University in Salzburg, part of this study can be done in Austria (“Joint-Study”) and an Austrian degree can be obtained in addition to the Czech degree.

The programme Legal Specialization takes three years and its graduate earns a B.A. degree. He obtains specialized education in select areas of social and economic life and their legal dimensions. Now in addition to the already accredited subject, Law in Public Administration, several more programmes are being prepared, such as Law in Business and Taxation and Law.

In all programmes, modern teaching methods, including clinical ones, are used. Students can also partly study at select foreign universities.
Among other major activities of the Faculty of Law is lifelong education. The Centre for Further Education offers programmes in law, accredited programmes for public administration, education and certification in foreign languages and computer literacy.

The Faculty of Law also makes a contribution to protection of rights, through its counseling, especially through its Law Clinic, a consultation centre for the citizens of Olomouc and the surrounding district. The head of the clinic is a lawyer registered in the Czech Chamber of Advocates, the consulting service is provided by 4th and 5th-year students. Legal assistance is especially directed at socially or otherwise handicapped people. Each year, many citizens turn to this Centre for assistance.


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Last update: 09. 02. 2016, Radana Kuncová