The Mechanism of Human Rights Protection at the Level of the EU Module
Summary of the project
The entrance in force of Lisbon Treaty and the obtaining of binding character of the Charter of Fundamental rights of the EU (due to the reference in the art. 6 para 1) means not only the shifting of this catalogue of human rights from the political declaration to the status of primary law, but signifies also the beginning of the creation of its own system of human rights protection on the level of the EU. This system which is based on the list of rights declared in the Charter and which gathers also from the ECJ judicial doctrine of Fundamental rights and the system of European Convention, will affect strongly every individual in the European union area. This demands the deepening and widening of the studies in this respect, focusing on the issues of EU concept of fundamental rights in details and its comparison with Strasbourg mechanism of human rights protection and the rising of the level of knowledge of students in mentioned area.
So, the main objective of the project is the introducing of a new compulsory course on mechanism of human rights protection on the level of the EU for students of the Palacky University. Besides the detailed analysis of the Charter (its structure, content, peculiarities of its ratione loci in some countries and issues of its control mechanism), the course focuses also on the other modifications brought by Lisbon Treaty in the field of human rights. Especially the envisaged accession of the EU to the European Convention on human rights is examined, including the solving of problems, which deal with this step (for instance the introduction of the co-defendant procedure).The integral part of the course creates the detailed acquitance with the recent case-law of Luxembourg court in the field of the application of the Charter and some other mechanisms (political procedure under art. 7, role of the EU Fundamental rights Agency, etc.).
This new compulsory and highly specialised course which deals exclusively with EU matters and reflects the latest development in the mentioned field, has a markedly innovative character.
Besides the holding of lectures and seminars the project covers also the organisation of 3 round-table debates (each every year) with the participation of the judges of the Luxembourg and Strasbourg Courts.
The Final Student Conference will focus on the recent development in the EU human rights protection is envisaged at the end of the realisation of the project.