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Právnická fakulta UP

Legal theory


JUDr. Petr Osina, Ph.D.
tel.: 585 637 611


Course takes place:

  summer semester


List of lectures:

  1. Basic concepts in legal philosophy

  2. Basic notions in law
  3. Major legal systems
  4. Sources of law
  5. Legal norms
  6. Legal relations
  7. Legal liability
  8. Interpretation of law
  9. Rule of law
  10. Continuity and discontinuity
  11. Law and morality
  12. Law and justice



  exam (czech students - colloquium)


Recommended literature:

  Osina, P.: Legal theory (coursebook), Olomouc 2007

Materials for download


Zpravodajství z UP
Stránka aktualizována: 03. 05. 2016, Petr Osina